
How To Make Your Household Rubbish Free

If you want your home to be clean and tidy all year long and to keep your space rubbish free, you need to consider the 5 Rs of rubbish removal. These stand for Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot, and they are very important to remember if you want to live a waste-free life. And although it can be hard to live by the 5 Rs all the time, you will notice a big difference in the amount of junk that you have around your home if you start to implement them. Refuse If you want to get rid of the rubbish around your house and live free of junk, you need to refuse rubbish where you can. By this we mean looking at how you generate rubbish through the things that you buy and looking at ways to reduce the amount of waste that

2021-05-24T11:31:17+10:00January 18th, 2021|Articles|

How to dispose of household items responsibly

The way we dispose certain household items has a huge impact on the environment. For most of our day to day rubbish, not much thought is needed. Recyclables go into the yellow lid, plant material goes into the green and pretty much everything else goes into the red lid bin. However, this leaves us open to making mistakes when it comes to disposing household items thoughtfully and responsibly. All too often things like mattresses and electronics are illegally dumped creating eyesores and negative impacts on the environment and surrounding wildlife. Here’s how you should dispose of certain household items responsibly to ensure minimal impact on the environment while avoiding any illegal dumping fines. Mattresses Mattresses are one of the most illegally dumped items out there. With over 1.25 million mattresses dumped every year, a huge amount unfortunately end up in landfill. Fortunately, more and more initiatives are being created to

2021-05-24T11:31:19+10:00December 3rd, 2018|Articles|
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