How to dispose of car batteriesSooner or later, your car battery is going to fail, and it’s not as easy as throwing them in your regular rubbish bin at home or dumping them on the side of the curb, in hope someone else with deal with it. Council pickup have a list of items they refuse to take as well which includes paint tins, gas cylinders and old batteries. This is because the chemicals in these items either pose a hazard to workers (explosions etc) or have chemicals that can leech into the water table from landfill and severly pollute the environment.

Car Battery disposal nasties

The illegal dumping of batteries can cause more harm to our plant and animal habitat than you can imagine. Car batteries are classified as hazardous waste, and comprise of heavy metals and other toxic materials, such as mercury, alkaline, cadium, nickel and lead acid, all of which can pollute and threaten our environment.

How to dispose of car batteries properly

Some recycling centres will take car batteries for recycling as many of the components that make are the battery are recyclable. The question is at what point is it worth carting a bunch of old dirty batteries in your clean car and driving all the way to the nearest centre. This is where 1300 Rubbish can help, we can take your car batteries off your hands, disposing of them properly and getting them recycled.

Old car battery disposal Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Gold Coast with 1300Rubbish

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