Getting Rid Of Green WasteBy essence, green waste is anything that is biodegradable, any plant life and any type of garden waste such as compost, grass and hedge trimmings. If you have a garden and you maintain it every day, you could be producing a lot more green waste than you could have imagined. In this case, you may need professional assistance as far as getting rid of green waste is concerned.

Compared to other types of waste, it is relatively cheaper to get rid of green waste. If you’re getting rid of green waste, you should be able to separate out certain items from your green waste prior to taking them to the landfill.

Disposing Green Waste At The Landfill

Sorting out your green waste can help you a lot when you need to dispose and take them to the landfill’s transfer area. Some of the items that are allowed for disposal as green waste include weeds, lawn clippings, logs and tree prunings that are 50 centimeters in diameter or smaller.

Items such as kitchen waste, flax and bamboo can also be brought and disposed at the landfill provided that they are disposed as general waste.

Separating Green Waste And Other Garden Waste

As mentioned earlier, it is important that you separate first your green waste from other types of garden waste. Green waste is a type of waste that’s recyclable such as tree branches, grass clippings, leaves and other waste items that are compostable. As for garden wastes, other types would include broken plant pots, old garden furniture and other general waste items. Sorting your waste out into the two categories would allow you to dispose your waste more conveniently and more simply. Bear in mind that since green waste is recyclable, it is usually taken to a facility that handles the recycling of green waste. Other garden waste, however, can be recyclable or not which may require that they’d be taken to a different facility. Sorting out your garden waste can definitely help you save on both money and time as far as getting rid of green and other garden waste is concerned.

Why It Is Important To Get Rid Of Green Waste

Similar to de-cluttering your home, getting rid of green waste will also allow you to de-clutter your outdoor areas and your backyard. Green waste that has built up can become a threat or hazard to both yourself and your family. Also, there is the possibility for green waste to attract snakes and other animals which explains the urgency of removing it as soon as possible.

How To Get Rid Of Green Waste

One of the first things that you can do is to recycle as much of green waste as possible. You can recycle tree trunk slabs, stacks of firewood, grape vines, willow branches and more into decorative garden items or useful supports. Also, when a stack of branches and logs that are covered with soil and compost rots down, it releases nutrients slowly and therefore retains moisture. Lastly, you can grow plants on the top and sides of the hugelkultur bed.

Learn more about how you can easily and quickly get rid of your green waste by calling our office at 1300Rubbish. Simply dial 1300 78 22 47 and our friendly customer service team will be more than willing to answer all your queries.


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