
How To Protect Your Home From Floods

Are you wanting to protect your home from floods but unsure what to do? Whether a flood is impending or you want to be prepared for future threats of flooding, this guide will assist you in protecting your home from flooding and what to do to minimise flood impact. Quickly Protect Your Home When an evacuation is announced follow the recommendations and ensure your personal safety as your top priority. If a flood warning has been issued, have these items easily accessible to be used to minimise flood damage on your home. Sandbags Sandbags are a brilliant investment for homes that are likely to be impacted by flooding. Available in different sizes, sandbags can be placed against doors and other entryways to minimise the flow of flood water entering your home. Sandbags act as a barrier for the flood water, as the sand absorbs the flood

2022-06-09T11:13:57+10:00May 18th, 2022|Articles|

How To Clean Wet Carpet After A Flood

Making your home liveable again after a flood can mean starting from the ground up. To help, we’ve detailed everything you need to know about cleaning wet, flood damaged carpet and what to do if you need to get rid of it altogether. When in doubt, call in a professional. Things To Consider Before Cleaning Wet Carpet Flood water is a health hazard. It is dark in colour and contains silt, sewage, bacteria and other waste. Keep this in mind when deciding between cleaning your waterlogged carpet or removing it completely. If you want to know if your carpet can be saved, ask yourself the below questions. What Is The Type of Damage?  Determine if the flood damage to your carpet is minor or major. Was the carpet completely submerged by the water or its the wet area only small? Has is been wet

2022-05-13T11:07:52+10:00May 18th, 2022|Articles|

How To Remove Old Carpet And Get Rid Of It

Carpet goes through a lot, and sooner or later it will be time for an upgrade. In as little as three to five years, carpet can become dank, dirty and downright unhygienic for people with allergies. In fact, carpets have been found to trap pollutants like dust mites, cockroach allergens, particle pollution, lead, mould spores and pesticides, which can severely impact the quality of air, according to lung and breathing specialists. There is only so much a vacuum can do! While your carpet situation may not be this dire, carpet removal, maintenance and replacement is a normal part of owning carpet. Perhaps you want to renovate your kitchen or hallway, and think the floorboards would bring the floorboard into the 21st century, or simply want a different colour of carpet to make the living room pop. Whatever it is, the carpet will need to be uninstalled and removed before

2022-05-13T11:07:27+10:00May 17th, 2022|Articles|

What Is Hard Rubbish?

'Hard Rubbish' refers to the bulky waste that cannot fit in the normal red bins, typically including fridges, dishwashers, couches, computers, cupboards, and other similar household items. What Is The Difference Between General Rubbish And Hard Rubbish? General rubbish is rubbish that can be easily disposed of - like food scraps, plastics, cardboard, waste material, and the like. Whereas, hard rubbish is large items you no longer have use for or are faulty, such as household appliances and furniture. These items are generally referred to as 'white goods', although a hard rubbish collection also includes more than white goods. Hard rubbish does not include items that can be recycled, general rubbish, or building materials. Because hard rubbish is not as easily disposable as general rubbish, hard waste collection services are available to assist with your excess waste materials. What Does Hard Rubbish Include?

2022-05-13T11:07:01+10:00May 16th, 2022|Articles|

The Ultimate Sustainable Mattress Removal Guide

If you have ever moved house, bought new kitchen appliances or upgraded to a new mattress, you understand the inconvenience of having to get rid of big, bulky items. Having spent a large part of your life on your mattress it can feel as familiar to you as an old friend, but eventually all mattresses must be replaced, which leaves you with the unenviable position of having to figure out how to get rid of it. Unfortunately, it is far too common to see mattresses on the side of the road, in alleyways or illegally dumped elsewhere, and this is because they can be quite a hassle to get rid of. However, this does not have to be the case. There are many ways of recycling your old mattress, depending on its condition, materials and the level of time, energy and effort you are willing to put into it. Mattresses

2022-05-13T11:06:33+10:00May 15th, 2022|Articles|

Tips For DIY Green Waste Removal

Do you have an excess amount of green waste in your backyard? If you are struggling with green waste removal, then look no further than this how-to guide. We include highly recommended DIY methods to efficiently reduce, reuse, and recycle your garden waste before considering waste disposal. What is Garden Waste? Garden waste, also known as green waste, refers to organic matter produced by a garden. The interchangeable name comes from the green colour of the garden, differentiating this waste from brown garden waste. Brown garden waste includes dirt, soil, rocks, and the like, which cannot usually be included in green waste removal. Why Is Proper Garden Waste Removal Important Garden waste removal is important because organic waste cannot be mixed with general waste. To add to this, organic waste needs to be separated to ensure that only correct green waste is being included in the

2022-05-13T11:05:49+10:00May 14th, 2022|Articles|

6 Things You Need To Consider Before DIY Renovations

DIY projects can be fun, challenging and incredibly rewarding, but they are not a task that one should undertake lightly. There are many renovations you might be interested in around the home, but the most important thing is that they are done properly, safely, and that the results will not only be what you had hoped for, but will also last for years and even decades to come. No matter your level of experience or expertise, there are six important considerations to keep in mind before you start DIY renovation projects to ensure you and your family stay safe, and that there are no unwelcome surprises. 1. What Results Do You Want For Your DIY Home Renovation Project There are some projects you can undergo with fairly limited planning, but home renovations are not one of them. If you want to set up a

2022-05-13T11:05:22+10:00May 13th, 2022|Articles|

Getting Rid Of Broken Electronics Sustainably

Electronics are made from materials like metals, plastics, and glass. These materials are manufactured and mined, making their process of creation, use and disposal more complex than one might think. Toxic materials are often found after the combination of raw materials when electronics are made. When disposed of, these electrical items can have negative impacts to the environment - and consequently, human health. Because of this threat of harm by toxic substances, sustainable e-waste disposal is of utmost importance. Especially in the current technological age, individuals have countless electronic products that can contribute to e-waste. Want to learn more about how to sustainably get rid of broken electronics? This article will give you the full run down with what you need to know. What Is E-Waste? New technology replacing old electronics is common - how often do you upgrade your phone? What do you

2024-10-08T14:14:35+11:00April 18th, 2022|Articles|

How To Dispose Of Old Paint Tins

Have you ever wondered what to do with unwanted paint tins in the garage? Disposal of paint tins can be difficult due to hazardous waste - i.e. the paint itself.When paint tins still have wet paint in them, they cannot be disposed of. First, let the paint tin dry out completely, or tip the excess paint onto an absorbent material. For most households this is the kitty litter tray or old newspapers.Once on an absorbent material, the paint can be thrown away in the general waste bin. This can be a hassle, especially when there is a fair amount of paint to dispose of.Hazardous waste needs to be dealt with sustainably and safely, with packaging products taken into consideration too in the disposing process. Why is paint tin disposal an issue, can’t it just go in the bin? Paint contains chemicals that can poison our water

2022-05-11T15:03:05+10:00April 14th, 2022|Articles|

Tips For End Of Lease Rubbish Removal

Moving into a new home can be a bittersweet experience. You are excited for the new opportunity and a fresh start in a new environment, while also mourning the loss of your familiar, comfortable space and all of its great memories. But when it comes to the actual physical act of moving house, it can often be a fairly gruelling experience.  It is physically and mentally draining, there is always more furniture, possessions and rubbish than you can imagine, not to mention the pressure of the end-of-lease clean.  Moving home is a part of life, and an exciting part at that, but there are many ways to make the physical act of moving, waste removal and end-of-lease cleaning much less burdensome.  Prepare For Your New Home Visit, inspect and measure You do not want to wait for the end of lease clean before you start preparing for

2022-04-06T13:55:37+10:00April 10th, 2022|Articles|

Simple Tricks For Wall To Wall Carpet Removal

Are you considering removing wall-to-wall carpet from your home? If so, you're not alone. You might be changing your carpet due to a stain or accident, or maybe a more exciting change for a renovation or room revamp. The removal process can be time consuming, going from room to room, corner to corner. It can be a daunting task, especially if this is your first time giving it a go. With these simple tricks, it can be a lot easier than you think! The Tools You Will Need To Remove Old Carpet First thing is first, you can't remove carpet without the correct tools! Carpet removal requires specific tools for the job, including: Utility knife Floor scraper Pry bar Duct tape Hammer Vacuum If you think you need any other materials, do some research online to see which specific tools would be best for you.

2022-04-06T13:41:19+10:00April 6th, 2022|Articles|

How To Prepare For A Residential Brick Wall Demolition

The most common reason why Australians remove an internal wall in their homes is to create a more open floor plan. It is a relatively simple way (compared to adding windows) to add more light into an existing space and create better flow. Whether you’re flipping a fixer-upper, renovating a bathroom, or knocking down an internal wall to achieve a more modern approach to open living, here’s everything you need to prepare for when you need to knock down a brick wall. Looking for something specific? Here are some quick links: Do I need council permission (DA) to knock it down? Who should I get to inspect a wall I want to knock down? What tools will I need? What PPE should I get? How to dismantle an internal brick wall How do I protect the floor around the wall that is going to be

2022-03-04T13:25:50+11:00March 4th, 2022|Articles|

Builders Waste Removal Tips And Tricks

Building waste accounts for about half of all materials used and approximately half of the solid waste generated worldwide, according to  the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.   A construction site can quickly become a stressful, messy and dangerous place if certain rules, regulations and procedures aren’t followed. When you know how, reusing, recycling and removing your waste will be a breeze. We are professional builders waste and construction rubbish removalists who can take the hassle out of cleaning your site. How To Start Reusing, Recycling and Removing Building Waste The first step should be to identify the materials on your building site that can be recycled or disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. These materials consists of: Asbestos and materials which contain asbestos Asphalt, brick and masonry blocks Untreated wood, such as pallets or plywood Drywall, ceramic and porcelain Tiles, mirrors, toilets,

2022-02-22T12:41:16+11:00February 22nd, 2022|Articles|

How To Prepare For Your Office Strip Out

It's an exciting time! Your business is growing so you need more space to work. But there are some things you should do before the big day arrives to make sure everything goes smoothly, and if it doesn't, that you're prepared for any situation. Undergoing an office strip out is inevitable for a tenant with a unique office space. This makes preparing for such a move, removal and strip out of fixtures and installations extremely important for tenants looking to easily transition to the bare bones of their office which can turn expensive quickly. Before you engage with the professional removalists, here are some ways you can prepare. Begin With A Game Plan Assessing the current condition of your office space, fixtures and installations will give removalists or service providers a better idea of the expectations needed for this job/strip out. Consider what you need

2022-02-15T11:38:36+11:00February 15th, 2022|Articles|

How To Get Rid Of A Car Sustainably

Getting rid of a car can be a difficult task, especially when it is your first time moving on from a vehicle. Whether you are buying a new car or saying goodbye to driving for good, there are many things to consider when getting rid of a car. One key consideration is sustainable disposal, and here are five ways you can get rid of a car sustainably. Sell It For Parts Reduce, reuse, recycle! If your vehicle becomes unusable it might be a good idea to sell the parts that still work to get a bit of extra cash! While your car may be out for the count, chances are there are others out there with broken parts that you can supply. Selling your car for parts is a great option when the value of the viable parts are worth more than the actual vehicle itself.

2022-02-10T11:17:10+11:00February 12th, 2022|Articles|

Kitchen Demolition 101: A Kitchen Removal Guide

Cooking up an at home demolition can be a struggle to organise if you don’t know where to start. If you are a do-it yourself type of person who likes to save money, then this article is for you. We have all the tips and tricks that will help make kitchen removal much easier on you. You'll be able to get your kitchen removed quickly, efficiently, and affordably! Plan Out Your Kitchen Demolition Process Planning is the most important part of any removal project. This also goes for kitchen demolition projects. You'll have a much better chance at success if you plan it all out first and figure everything out before you start to remove your kitchen. It will help keep things organized and make the process go quicker since there won't be so many surprises along the way! Pack Up Your Belongings Clear out the

2022-02-09T16:18:12+11:00February 9th, 2022|Articles|

What Can Go In Green Waste Bins?

Green waste is an umbrella term which applies to any organic waste, garden waste, grass, plant or wood remnants. We are quite familiar with what organic waste is, yet somehow tonnes of green waste ends up in landfills instead of being recycled each year due to irredeemable contamination. Many of us have been using a household garden waste bin from a very young age, but are we using them correctly? There is an enduring “out of sight, out of mind” mentality with rubbish amongst some people, who focus only on getting the rubbish out of their house, without thinking about the ramifications of their decisions regarding what organic material they put in the recycling bin. In 2018, 1345 kilotons of green waste went to landfill, while the average Australian produces over 500 kilograms of household waste per year. These shocking numbers emphasise our individual, and societal responsibility to ensure that

2022-01-20T16:49:39+11:00January 20th, 2022|Articles|

The Best Backyard Clean Up Tips

Summer is upon us, which means the time of Christmas parties, barbecues and backyard viewing of The Ashes is coming in hot! But if you’re thinking of throwing a shindig, the first thing you need to be thinking of is making your house and backyard presentable. Noone wants to throw (or attend) a barbecue in a filthy house or yard. An important element of relaxation is the space in which you are in, so if your backyard is home to unwanted furniture, overgrown with plants, grass and weed, and has a cluttered, uncomfortable feel, then it's time for a yard clean! Plan Your Starting Position Cleaning your backyard sounds simple, but it can be a little overwhelming in practice as there can be a lot to do. Backyards are big places, filled with trees,  bushes and plants, outdoor furniture that you haven't got around to upgrading,

2022-01-19T12:11:37+11:00January 19th, 2022|Articles|

What Are White Goods And How To Get Rid Of Them

Our houses and workplaces are filled to the brim with white goods. But what are they? White goods are large electrical appliances which are used around the house, such as refrigerators or washing machines. Installing some of these major appliances can be a huge hassle and can be even more troublesome to remove and get rid of once they've passed their use by date. It can be hard to know whether specific white goods are recyclable or not, and if they aren't, where they can go in an environmentally friendly manner. It might be a good idea to ask a professional rubbish removal specialist like 1300 Rubbish for help in getting rid of your household items responsibly. What Are White Goods? The umbrella term “white goods” refers to the traditional design of household appliances which were typically finished in an enamel coat of white. Despite the

2022-01-12T10:34:51+11:00January 12th, 2022|Articles|

How Often Should You Replace A Mattress?

Getting enough sleep is integral to our emotional and physical wellbeing. Without a good night's sleep, our bodies are not able to rejuvenate and our ability to think and function properly is impaired. That's why it's important to invest in a high quality mattress, and replace it as soon as it starts causing any problems. A good mattress can help improve your sleep quality by reducing any aches and pains and relieving stress, allowing you to sleep easily through the night. Generally speaking, you should replace your mattress every 6-8 years, but you'll need to replace it sooner if it starts negatively impacting your sleep or your quality of life. If you need a mattress removed, 1300Rubbish can make the process quick and easy for you. You can leave the mattress where it is - our team will pick it up and carry it out for you. Organising a rubbish

2022-09-19T15:24:24+10:00January 11th, 2022|Articles|
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